Thursday, May 14, 2020

Resolutions at Workplace - 2122 Words

RESOLUTIONS AT WORKPLACES Today, negative samples of conflicts are surrounding us; when you turn on your TV, almost every news program, reality show or a talk show or sitcom episode, we watch people acting out their conflicts more often than not in their worst way possible. Let’s face the reality here; anyone working person, spends more time with our work colleagues with than we do with our family, friends and loved ones. Fortunately or rather unfortunately, our work colleagues become our best friends. â€Å"But even in the best of times it’s not unusual to be faced with the guy three cubicles down from yours whom you’d just as soon clobber than look at again. Fold in a heightened sense of tension due to uncertain job security these days and†¦show more content†¦Mediation supports people to find a path through the pain of conflict and out to resolution. Mediation does help parties to generate their own positive outcome from their conflict journey (Katherine Graham, 2010)†. According to Vivian Scott, every person involved in a conflict, has a responsibility in that conflict. â€Å"As difficult as it is to admit you probably have some responsibility in the conflict. Self-assessment, and by that I mean more than 30 seconds of superficial introspection, requires you to consider how your actions and reactions look to others. Ask yourself, what have I said or done, or not said or done, that has kept this conflict going? Change may not happen overnight, and you may need the assistance of friends, family, or professionals to help you through the transition. No need to continue being the bully, the one who stirs the pot, or even the victim. If it takes two to tango and you’re no longer willing to dance, the conflict has no choice but to diminish, (Vivian Scott, 2010)†. Pride comes before a fall; we have to change our character and even when our expectations are not met, the immense fulfillment of our goals and ideas in furthering our agenda has a quality that is above the conflict. When we examine and change our own habitual patterns ofShow MoreRelatedConflict resolution in the workplace800 Words   |  4 PagesConflict resolution in the workplace Introduction Conflict is a fact in any relationship including the work area. Still, it is important to emphasize that some conflicts should not be seen as good or bad, they are just differences. Many times when there are disagreements between players these issues are left on the table without giving much emphasis. Unfortunately some of these conflicts have reached a level that ends in a physical altercation. 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